Candidate Fellow: 

Candidate Fellows are those physicians who have successfully completed residency training in obstetrics and gynecology and are actively pursuing board certification in the specialty. Candidates must achieve Active status within six years of passing the written exam, excluding time spent in a Board-approved fellowship. Candidate members shall pay one-half the annual dues to the Society. Candidate members are not eligible to hold office or to vote.


Active Fellow: 

Active Fellows must be licensed, doctors of medicine who limit their practice to the overall health care of women in the State of South Carolina and be board certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Full dues are paid to the Society each year and must be paid prior to the date of the annul meeting in order to maintain active membership. Active Fellows may hold office and vote regarding Society business.


Emeritus Fellow: 

Active Fellows who have passed their sixtieth birthday, and have paid dues for the current year, may apply to become an Emeritus Fellow. An Emeritus Fellow can hold office and will not be required attend meetings.  Emeritus members are asked to pay a nominal dues fee.


Associate Fellow: 

Active members of the South Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society who move from the state of South Carolina but continue the practice of obstetrics and gynecology, at their request, may be maintained as Associate members. Associate members are not eligible to hold office or to vote, and are not expected to pay dues. Associate members are expected to attend a meeting once every four years.


Affiliate Member:  

Affiliate Membership is reserved for allied health professionals to include other physicians, PhD's, certified nurse practitioners, certified physician assistants, certified nurse midwives and other licensed providers involved in women's health care services. Affiliate Members will be invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society. Affiliate members will pay annual dues. Affiliate members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. An Affiliate Member who is absent from meetings of the society for four successive years without excuse acceptable to the society, will be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer that continued membership requires attendance at the next annual meeting or the Affiliate member will be dropped from the rolls of the Society.  

Resident/Fellowship Member:

Resident/Fellowship Membership is reserved for those residents in training at accredited statewide obstetrical and gynecological training programs.  Resident/Fellowship members will be invited to attend the annual meeting of the Society.  Resident/Fellowship members will pay no annual dues.  Resident/Fellowship members are not eligible to hold office or to vote.  A Resident/Fellow member must attend one annual meeting during training, or the Resident/Fellowship member will be dropped from the role of the Society.  Upon graduation from the statewide training program, the Resident/Fellowship member can apply for Candidate Membership.

*South Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society Membership Directory*


Applications for membership can be completed online or acquired by contacting:


Brandi Manley
Executive Director
10120 Two Notch Road
Box 340
Columbia, SC 29223
Telephone: 803-606-4637

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.