Candice Greenan, MD
101 William H. Johnson Street
Suite 500
Florence, SC  29506

Patricia M. Seal, MD
USC School of Medicine
Department of Ob/Gyn
Two Medical Park
Suite 208
Columbia, SC 29203

Dee Adams, MD
USC School of Medicine
Department of Ob/Gyn
Two Medical Park
Suite 208
Columbia, SC  29203

Immediate Past President
Scott H. Daniel, MD
701 Medical Park Drive
Suite 202
Hartsville, SC  29550

Past President
Timothy Harkins, MD
102 Medical Park Court
Clinton, SC  29325

Dawn Bingham, MD
USC School of Medicine
Department of Ob/Gyn
Two Medical Park
Suite 208
Columbia, SC  29203

Vice Chair, SCACOG
Patricia M. Seal, MD
USC School of Medicine
Department of Ob/Gyn
Two Medical Park
Suite 208
Columbia, SC  29203